Monday, January 19, 2009

The Ramones

Generally, I like to be open minded about music: obviously I have expectations but I try to at least give new music a few good listens before I judge them. However, when it comes to The Ramones, I am not so lenient.
So many people have told me that the Ramones started the American punk scene and that they really influenced the way American music developed. If either of those statements is true, then I have severe concerns about the where music was when The Ramones ‘influenced it’ and where it is now.
The bands first album, the one bearing the bands name, has 14 songs, of which none are longer than about two minutes and thirty seconds. Dee Dee might have been able to write lyrics for that many songs, but whoever was in charge of writing the rest of the music failed epically. Nearly all the songs are composed of three chord riffs that repeat themselves over and over and over at nearly the same tempo as the song before.
I suppose someone could argue that Rock and Punk are similar in composition, which is true, but you’d be hard pressed to find a rock album with 14 songs that are equally simplistic.
Blitzkrieg Bop is definitely my favorite on the album, although I do enjoy the guitar part in 53rd and 3rd, a song which, if I’m not mistaken, is about hookers and not just any kind of hookers: male hookers. Hoooorayyyyy.

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